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What do we do?

What can you expect from our meetings?

Summer Meetings

It's basically a scientific fact that most writer's block happens when we're hungry.   So occasionally during meetings presidents of members will contribute food.  Please let a president know if you have any severe food allergy.

Do you enjoy writing while chatting with other writers?  Our optional summer meetings include writing, talking, and eating fast food at local spaces

Murder Mystery Nights

What better way to inspire writing than to live in fiction for a dinner?  A potluck style dinner and a murder mystery party box from Amazon (no, we aren't that creative) come together for terrible acting and fun.

Peer Editing

If you're on you second draft and can't get passed some dreaded plot holes, we may be able to help.  Some days we will ask for you to bring in a piece of your writing if you'd like for others to give you suggetions in editing.

Writing Games

Some of our favorite meetings showcase collaborative writing games such as snowball.

Literary Magazine

Member contribute pieces to the year's them to be featured in a digital magazine.

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