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This gist?  We're big fans of poetry and prose.  We'll work on editing and discuss publishing while also working on your current WIP (work in progress)

A Woman Writing by the Window

Longer than the gist?  Let's say you write slam poetry and would like to join—go ahead!  You have a screenplay that you need help editing—You've come to the write place.  You have a 800,000 word epic—first, why?  Second, you're welcome too!

The whole point of a creative writing club is simply to empower and bring together all sorts of writers.  This club will help your forge connections​ with other writers, develop your voice as a storyteller, and most importantly for fun.  


Whether your experience level is writing a novel every month or barely picking up a pencil in a year, we'd love for you to participate and give all of our members a new point of view.

Our Presidents

Annabelle Kiely

Co-president of Penman's for a year.  Annabelle Kiely has been a part of the club for four years and is co-president this year.  She enjoys writing both poetry and prose, and enjoys all genres.  She also runs the club's literary magazine.


Abbey 'AJ' Johnson

Has been the co-president of Penman's for two years.  For the three years she has been a part of the club she has contributed to the chaotic atmosphere that occurs due to a surplus of writers.  She enjoys prose the most with her favorite genres being murder mystery and sci-fi.  '21

Kae Emerson

Co-president of Penman's for a year.

Kae is a strange creature, not quite human, but not quite beast, shiny things captivate her and she lives in a tropical habitat full of plants and crystals.  '21

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